Γίναμε Featured στο Behance!
Γίναμε Featured στο Behance!

    Γίναμε Featured στο Behance!

    Great news! Μόλις ενημερωθήκαμε από την ομάδα του Behance οτι το project μας για το εστιατόριο Epicure, επιλέχθηκε και παρουσιάζεται στην κατηγορία Branding.

    Thank you Behance for your support!

    You can see the project presentation here:…/71184…/Epicure-Restaurant-Branding

    “Congratulations Artware,
    Your project Epicure Restaurant Branding has been featured in the Branding category of our Graphic Design gallery.
    Our curatorial team features a small number of projects to appear on the front of our gallery each day. We only pick the best work that effectively promotes the Branding community.”

    Behance, part of the Adobe family, is the leading online platform to showcase & discover creative work. The creative world updates their work in one place to broadcast it widely and efficiently. Companies explore the work and access talent on a global scale.

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