SUC – eShop Design

When you have created a brand that reflects the trendy and glamorous attitude of your client, then it’s important to reflect those elements on its website in the most creative and comprehensive way. And since this brand is one of the most trendy lingerie and homewear retailers, then the need for creative design, targeted quality content and fabulous development strategy is a given. Welcome to SUC!

Interaction and active digital tools were the basic parameters in the design of the e-shop that gives the visitor easy and direct access to all the products and options, the information required to make the right choice, the immediate ability to contact the store, but also the fast and secure placement of their order, with the option of an immediate on-line payment.

Visit website


A mirror for the customer

The e-shop wasn’t designed as an extension of any physical commerce activities. Its origins are defined and clearly located in the pure eCommerce sphere, enhanced by top design, which, via the options of navigation, aims to give the customer the feeling, the safety and the pleasure as if they were in a physical store.


Design by the customer’s point of view

The e-shop is a completely custom eCommerce website and was designed to serve the customer. And by “customer” we mean both our customer, SUC, and SUC’s potential and active customers. This is achieved through a friendly website management base, with the user, at both ends, being able to easily and directly make their choices.

The customer can search and navigate in the easiest way to the categorised product they want, and choose all the possible available versions, while having access to a set of useful information. On the other hand, the professional has the ability to manage products and information with great ease, featuring them in the most appropriate and marketing effective way, thanks to the specialised functional design.



Product-focused image and style

Size, colour, style, related products, smart previews and filtering. Are they enough? No! They should be presented in the best way, so that they harmoniously frame the product and direct the visitor to the right and easy choice. Therefore we offered several product photo shooting and training sessions, in order to ensure the final presentation result of the products. A result that provides the visitor/customer with an ideal and realistic image, embedded in an original artistic design, which will match with and underline the identity and philosophy of SUC, while featuring the characteristics of the products themselves.
